Jumat, 07 Oktober 2016


This week was the last creative thinking class and it was so fun. we watched an amazing movie that i never watched before. The movie titled LUCY. Short story, the movie tells about a young woman named Lucy gets abducted by a gang in Taipei and forced to carry a bag of drugs in her abdomen. But when the bag bursts, the drug gives her access to the 90 percent of her brain that most of us never use, making her superhuman. I think, it is such a bad science movie but it is quite interesting and make me interested to find out about the facts of these several things:


The drug CPH4 doesn't exist. CPH4 is a  natural molecule that pregnant women produce after six weeks of pregnancy in very tiny quantities, it is not a drug. its real chemical name is 6-carboxytetrahydroprerin synthase.

This is an enzyme found in the cells that are used to produce other types of molecules that are necessary for a cell to function. This enzyme produces Queuosine. Queuosine is nothing more than glue for other molecules to stick to each other. So, it literally has no impact on the brain capacity. your brain's capacity is theoretically unknown so you can't simply take magic drug or pill and expect to become more intelligent or gain instant knowledge. there is not a drug out there that is going to make you smarter, but you can increase your day to day efficiency by doing some exercise regularly. all you need to do is invest some time to regularly train your brain.


This topic is still being debated between the facts and myths. The myths said that human only has 10% of our neural matter. There is no truth about this myths. Therefore, the scientist tried to find the scientific truth about it and the said that the myths are totally wrong, the entire brain is active all the time. The brain is an organ. its living neurons and the cells that support them are always doing something. The capacity of the human brain is difficult to quantify precisely, people do not know how to measure the size of the memory. Certain memories involve more detailed memory and thus take up more space, Other memories are forgotten and thus become free space. When your brain works on a problem-turning light that hits your retina into an image or preparing to reach for a pint of beer or solving an algebra problem-its effectiveness is as much a question of "where" and "when" as it is of "how much." There are a lot of other researchers that many scientists did, but no one can clearly answer this question, even making people more confusing about this topic. Science doesn't always have to answer all the time. Scientist tries to find their best hypothesis based on their scientific ways. Maybe, in the future, it could be proven that all we know about the brain is wrong, but for now, 10% brain hypothesis doesn't stand up, at least to today science.


Echolocation is used to give a sense of distance between the dolphin and its surrounding. The dolphin release sound waves which bounced back to define the distance. It also gives them information about the location of the object and some indication of the shape. Dolphin produces high-frequency clicks. these clicks create sound waves that travel quickly through the water around them. In fact, sound waves travel almost five times faster through water than they do through the air. Dolphin have a melon in the head that allows for information to be transmitted.


In my opinion, I strongly agree with time as a measurement. Without time people couldn't measure how long a day is, a month is and a year is. Time keeps running and it is the measure of change. As times goes by human do their life, the day goes, and everything changes by the time. I think, time is the measurement of everything. people do everything within a certain time, and time becomes the control of human daily life. Some research said that time is only an illusion. There is no time. There never was and there never will be. Everything exists in the present moment and it's a fundamental principle of the universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp. However, without time we never know the past, present, and future. Maybe time certainly an illusion but it can be a measurement and control. In the movie titled LUCY that i have just watched. I found that Time is the only true unit of measure. It gives proof to be the existence of matter. Without time, we don't exist.


  1. Do something new. By doing something new over and over again, your brain wires and creates new neural pathways, that will increase your intelligence level.
  2. Exercise regularly. It's been proven that regular exercise help to increase brain function and enhances neurogenesis. Every time you exercise, you creates those new neutral connections faster.
  3. Train your memory. Memorizing phone numbers or other important numbers, new people's name, remembering events or things, and giving a presentation are great opportunities to practically train your memory muscle to help you improve the function of the brain.
  4. Be curious. By being curious and questioning everything., you force your brain to innovated and create new ideas.
  5. Think positive. Stress and anxiety kill existing brain neurons from being created. Based on the research, positive thinking speeds up the creation of cells. Try and get a handle of negative thoughts and make an effort to replace them with positive ones.
  6. Eat healthy. Our brains consume over 20% of all nutrients and oxygen that we consumed. Besides fruits and vegetables, make sure that dark chocolate is included. When you eat chocolate, your brain produces dopamine. Dopamine helps you learn faster and remember better.  
  7. Read a book. Reading relieves tension and stress because it's a form of escapism. Using your imagination as a great way to train your brain because you force your mind to picture what you are imagining.
  8. Get enough sleep. Sleep is like a mini detox for the brain. This is when your body regenerates cells and removes all the toxins that have built up during the day.
  9. Ban the calculator. Resist the urge to work thing out using an external device and use the device you were born with.
  10. Spend time with your loved one. Talking with others and engaging with your loved ones helps you think more clearly, and it also can lift your moods.  


Nikola Tesla was a genius engineer, physicist, futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current electricity supply system. He was a scientist who affects today's development of technology. He was very smart and his powers of memorizing were prodigious. A quick reading of a page gave him a permanent record of it. For him, study was a far different process than for an average person. He could consult in his mind any page of any book he had read, and formula. he could recite scores of books, complete from memory. Some of the greatest inventions that Nikola Testa discovered are alternating current, Light, Radio, X-ray, remote control, electric motor, robotic, laser, wireless communication and limitless free energy. If Tesla hadn't invented and researched everything he did in his life, our technology today would be worse. Why the is a genius brain and normal brain. I think genius is biologically congenital from birth. The intellectual capability is inherently biological. In a normal brain, there's a relatively equal split between the long and short connection within our cerebral cortex. The short connection is correlated without aptitude pertaining to something that interests us, while long connection pertains to our capacity of thing outside of these interests us. In a genius brain, the split connection usually leans heavily toward one or the other. Furthermore, the great inventions of the genius people not only supported by their brain, but also their willingness, determination, good habits and unyielding spirit.

Children's Book

This week blog will talk about 3 reviews of children's book. Actually, there are a lot of interesting children's book that I found and it is a little bit confusing to choose 3 of them to write the review. so, here is the 3 children's book that I choose:

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
This is a children's book written by Laura Numeroff and illustrated by Felicia Bond. The story is about a boy gives a cookie to mouse and then the mouse ask for a glass of milk, then a straw to drink, nail scissors and a broom. Next, he wants to take a nap, listen to a story, draw a picture and hang it on the refrigerator. And when he looks at the refrigerator, it makes him thirsty, then asks for milk again and continue. The story is very easy to understand, especially for children. the illustration also interesting and the characters are cute. The illustration was executed by color pencils with some vibrant color which has a nice composition. That's why this book became famous and a lot of people like it and also translated into several languages.

Horton Hears a Who
This book is written by a famous writter called Dr. Seus. It also illustrated by himself. The book tells the story about an elephant named Horton, he hears a voice in a speck. He use  clover to save the speck of dust and then he makes contact with the Mayor of Whoville. Horton finds that tiny speck there is a city crowded with creatures and he decides to leave Whoville in a safe place. This book has a strong moral message which is so good for children. it tells us to protecting life no matter how smal the person or intense the opposition. It also addapted to a movie and realise in 2008. This book also has a high number of readers and good review and also recomended to teaching children philosophy.

Are You My Mother?
The story about a hatchling bird who lost his mother. His mother thinking that her egg will stay in her nest where she left it for some foods. But, suddenly the baby bird hatches and he flies away to find his mom. He asks a cat, dog, car and etc. but no one is his mom. He cried so hard and he heard a snort. at that moment the snort drops the hatchling into his nets and his mother returns. the two are united and happily ever after. This book is written by P. D. Eastman and became Teachers' top 100 books for children. This book is written by P. D. Eastman and became Teachers' top 100 books for children. This is a good book for reassuring children that we all have a mom who is looking out of us even when she is not with us every moment of the day.

Sabtu, 24 September 2016

The Staircase


Halloween is coming soon. This week creative thinking class activity was making a monster costume. it must have only 3 fingers, no eyes on his face, very long hair and most of the body covered with black. It such a good experience to make an adorable costume for my friend as a client using a trash bag, egg tray, raffia string, and cellophane paper. 
my group is consist of 4 people, they are Wesley, Philip, Steven, Ding Wei and I. Ding Wei became the client and the others became the designer. As a designer, we are required to listen to our customer's will. So, we tried to make the best monster costume for Ding Wei. He wanted to look like a scary monster with big wings and dinosaur backbone but has a cute bunny tail. we did as fast as we can do because the lecturer gave us a time limit to do this activity. we tried our best and our good cooperation. and finally, we were done! Here is Ding Wei with his adorable costume. we called it The Staircase Monster.

After finished in making the costume, we were required to make a short video about the monster. Then we started to make the video in the school stairs and tried to make the best story. do you wanna see this awesome video? 
here is the link: 
enjoy watching!

now, I want to share the process of making the video and also the monster.

From this week activity we had so much fun and we also learn about how to be a good designer who must be a good listener for our customer desires and produce it into an amazing work with our sense of design. 

Thank You 


Selasa, 20 September 2016


"Paprika" is an animated science fiction movie from Japan. It was released in 2006 and directed by Satoshi Kon based on a novel titled Paprika. The story is unique and interesting. it tells about a research psychologist who uses a device that permits therapists to help patients by entering their dreams. the  device is called DC mini. before the government can pass a bill authorizing the use of such advanced psychiatric technology, one of the prototypes is stolen. in the wrong hand, this device can be abuse. a well-known doctor, Atsuko Chiba enters the dream worlds under her exotic alter-ego named paprika. all that she did with a purpose to discover who is behind the plot to weaken this invention.

in my opinion, this movie is such a high-quality movie. it has a scientific story that needs to understand smartly. on the other hand, for some people who doesn't like Japanese animated movie like me, they would be very confusing to understand the complicated story and difficult to enjoy the movie. However, as a not a fan of animated movie, I like the composition color used in this movie scene and also the scientific story ideas that need to be appreciated. 
here my favorite scene that I found in the movie :

If you want to enjoy the movie, here is the link:

Selasa, 13 September 2016

Playgrounds in my Hometown

Semarang's Playground
Now, I want to share my short holiday experience in my hometown, Indonesia. i have visited 3 playgrounds in Semarang city. Actually, Semarang is not a very big and modern city compared with Jakarta. Therefore, there is not too much big famous playground located in Semarang.
Here are 3 playgrounds which I visited last week and I think it was a nice experience to fill your leisure time with your friends.

1. Small playground in MG suites apartment.

This playground is located in MG suites apartment. it is so small like a standard children's playground that we usually found. The design of the playground is quite nice, the colour used representing a cheerful mood for children. It is located near the swimming pool and there is a lot of trees so, the air is quite pure. thing need to be improved from this playground is the safety. I think safety is number one for children. In the afternoon, when there is no one in the swimming pool, this place is very quiet and there is no security or guard whose stand by in this place. therefore, if something happened to the children who play alone there, no one knows and no one can help except there is an adult is swimming and working in the gym. The grass and the plant need to be treated because there is some part of the ground which is not covered with grass anymore and it is dangerous for children who drops to the ground. 

2. "Play Play" playground in SETOS mall

"Play Play" is a current favorite playground for children and adult in Semarang. it is an indoor playground with thousand selection of games. this playground also serves a challenging game for adults and the price is quite cheap. Only Rp 50000 for 5 selection of games. it such a good place for a family and maybe it is fun to play there with your squad. Now, it is one of the best playgrounds in Semarang.  in spite of its popularity, play play also has several things to be improved. i think they should give more attention in terms of safety. I think the safety is not quite enough, especially for the challenging games. sometimes, the safety belt in its games is not installed perfectly and the operator of the games also not obey the safety procedure. in term of design, this place is good enough and they design this place really like a wonderland. they also create animal characters and candies as the decoration to sweeten this place and attract the children to come. 

3. Lakers BSB club house

This is most family favorite place in the weekend. This place located in Semarang but it is far from the city center. This place has an outdoor playground for children and completed with swimming pool, rabbits park, and organic vegetable field. This place has a very good environment, it is far from the city center so there is less air pollution and the weather is not too hot. the view also beautiful, it is located near the reservoir and we can see 2 mountains from this place. This place is designed perfectly because of its strategic location. Things that need to be improved from this place  is the cleanliness. the rabbit's park is quite dirty because of the vegetables gave by the visitors and  the are a lot of bird furs fall down to the park. The second thing that needs to be improved is the advertisement of this place. The location itself is far from the city center and not many people know about this place. so they need to make a more interesting advertisement and some interesting deals about this place, then people will more interested to come. 

faces around you

This week blog will talk about the faces around us. sometimes we just never realize that there are a lot of things around us which is looks like a face. sometimes it smiles, it looks so sad or maybe embrace and so on. here are 7 picture of faces around my creative thinking class today

this Chinese character looks like flat lips face with nose and eyes. it looks like someone who pulls a long face because of disappointment.

this 2 lamp and a door look like 2 eyes with a big mouth. it likes the expression of cuteness.  

look at the blue building behind the old house. it looks like a flat mouth sad face -__-
the 2 blue square above the rectangle look like 2 eyes and the rectangle looks like a flat mouth.

this cardboard that i found outside toilet is so cute. it looks like an embrace face of kids. the shadow inside the 2 rectangles looks like the glowing eyes that symbolize an innocence kid. 

duck face on the locker. look at the three stripes, it's like duck lips. Isn't it?

This two rectangle window looks like cheerful eyes, the handle above looks like a nose and  the handle below looks like a stuck out thongue.

I rotated my power outlet picture and what I found is a very sad and frustrated face.

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

bizarre wedding dress

designers are always looking for something new and different in their collection. especially, whenever he/she design a wedding dress. here are 7 unique materials that used for making a wedding dress. which one do u like the most? or maybe it looks weird?

1. This wedding dress is made from toilet paper. not only looks so nice but also cheap.

2. This unique wedding dress is made from woven bamboo. woven bamboo usually used for making   a handmade basket and so on. 

3. balloon! just imagine what would happen if the balloons are burst?

4. this dress is made from cake. the collaboration between wedding dress and wedding cake.

5. gorgeous wedding dress made from light. Looks so elegant and romantic 

6. this wedding dress is made from condoms. so disgusting!

7. last.. this wedding dress is made from money. wow.. everybody wants it